Subject description

An analysis and appraisal of laws prohibiting discrimination in Australia on various grounds, including: sex, marital status, carer responsibilities, race, disability, age, sexual preference and gender identity. Laws prohibiting harassment and vilification will also be examined. The subject includes exploration of the aims and social context of anti-discrimination legislation, as … For more content click the Read More button below.

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Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Appreciate the background, aims and limitations of anti-discrimination law in Australia;
Analyse the grounds of unlawful discrimination under Commonwealth and New South Wales legislation;
Demonstrate familiarity with the contents of Commonwealth and New South Wales anti-discrimination statutes, as well as key or illustrative interpretations by courts or tribunals;
Apply the contents of Commonwealth and New South Wales anti-discrimination legislation to factual problems;
Explain and apply the statutory exceptions to grounds and areas of unlawful discrimination;
Critically assess the barriers to effective operation of anti-discrimination laws; and
Describe the methods and processes of complaint, dispute resolution and enforcement, including the general principles of assessment of damages, costs, and implementation of judgments.

Assessment details

Research Project

Contact details

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